Book Outline Diagrams
This page describes the organization of the upcoming book diagramatically. Some derivative of these pictures will likely be used as the inside covers.
Goals, Principles and Smells
This diagram summarizes the driving forces behind the patterns in the form of goals, principles and test smells:

Sketch Goals-Smells embedded from Goals-Smells.gif
Fig. X: The driving forces behind the core xUnit Test Patterns.
The Patterns
This diagram summarizes all the patterns contained in the book and tries to represent key relationships between them.

Sketch Patterns Summary embedded from Patterns Summary.gif
Fig. X: The xUnit Test Patterns.
Yes, it would be great if the names in the diagrams were links to the individual web pages but I haven't figured out how to do that just yet. Sorry!
Copyright © 2003-2008 Gerard Meszaros all rights reserved